The pursuit of the good life is a spiritual journey. Yes, money is a part of it. You should have a poppin business and career, for sure. Yes, doing more of what you love is at the heart of what’s good about life. You should be totally in love with what you do. But, there […]
Life does not always go as planned. That’s one of the most annoying statements of truth, ever. But it’s a huge dosage of truth. Even the best of plans, fail. When you think about it, there are so many factors involved in most of the things we set out to do. It’s you. But, then there’s […]
A Goal. You should always have something you are working on, striving for, or something that challenges you to rise. Scientists say setting goals helps you live longer. I say that setting goals helps you live better. Think about it: when you’re working on something, there is always this lingering since of expectancy. When you […]
We’ve all been there. That place where nothing seems to be going as planned– the place where uncertainty, self-doubt, and the question, what’s the use, lives. Life sucks there. You’re moody, anxious, and you probably have this headache that won’t heal. What now? That is probably what you are wondering- especially if you’ve tried everything you know, and nothing seems […]
“Don’t nobody bring me no bad news.” – Diana Ross, The Wiz I wish I could hire someone to sing that song every time some bad news decides to swing my way. I know. It’s a part of life. Good and bad. Highs and lows. Comings and goings. Loss. Disappointment. Heartbreak. Failure… But, […]
The worst things to hear when you’re hurting, anxious, doubtful, scared, overwhelmed, and tired of being tired are: Get over it Let it go. Move on. Or, here is one that will inspire the side-eye, quick: everything happens for a reason. You don’t want to stay in your hurting, anxious, doubtful, scared, overwhelmed, and tired […]
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