It is never okay to lie to yourself. Not even in the name of personal development, motivation, manifestation, or any of that stuff. Not to psych yourself out. Not to pump yourself up. Seriously. It’s absolutely not okay to lie to yourself with the hope of feeling good about a bad situation. When you lie to […]

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Affirming what it true with daily affirmations

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A Goal. You should always have something you are working on, striving for, or something that challenges you to rise. Scientists say setting goals helps you live longer. I say that setting goals helps you live better.  Think about it: when you’re working on something, there is always this lingering since of expectancy. When you […]

An aspiring woman setting goals

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She asked me how I did it. And for about 30 seconds I had no words. I always have words. Words are my thing- but this time I couldn’t think of much to say. She’s been a client of mine for a couple of years, now. We’ve had email sessions, Q&A’s, and conference calls about […]

strong woman

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