The pursuit of the good life is a spiritual journey. Yes, money is a part of it. You should have a poppin business and career, for sure. Yes, doing more of what you love is at the heart of what’s good about life. You should be totally in love with what you do. But, there […]
I started 2020 on the phone with family and doctors, as my grandmom entered the new year in the hospital.⠀ ⠀ That continued until she transitioned in March. The night she died, I slept through the entire night for the first time in 11 months. I missed her already, but felt peace knowing I wouldn’t […]
Imagine a life that no longer makes you feel guilty about doing what’s best for you. Imagine being so well, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually that you show up for yourself and your family in ways that benefit everyone. You are worthy of the same love and attention you so freely give to everyone else. […]
LIFE Your life is also your gift to the world. You matter. Nothing happens to you. Everything happens for you. Go with the flow. Try, really hard, not to resist. Never regret what you’ve grown from. Set boundaries. Honor them. Only say yes when you mean it. Just keep showing up. You’ll get there if you don’t […]
I just couldn’t catch my breath. I needed 1 good breath to regain my composure, and I couldn’t do it. I tried really hard. My attempts looked like a 2 year old child being taught how to blow out birthday candles for the first time. In my mind I was saying, just breath… take a deep […]
It is never okay to lie to yourself. Not even in the name of personal development, motivation, manifestation, or any of that stuff. Not to psych yourself out. Not to pump yourself up. Seriously. It’s absolutely not okay to lie to yourself with the hope of feeling good about a bad situation. When you lie to […]
I strolled into my son’s school 3 times last week, wearing a bold lip and a sundress. I was accused of being a morning person. I passed my old gym buddy on my way out of the gym at 6:30am- as she was walking in. I was cited for being up before the crack of dawn. Although […]
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